I put on a front platform rack by Jandd. I think front platform racks are the way to go and wish I had the Nitto Big Front Rack but alas I'm a student and can't afford the fancy stuff. Of course the ultimate would to be to have another Feeney rack for my touring bike, but first I need a real touring bike! Anyway, here is what the rig looks like for the Pigeon tour. If your wondering this is my Hunter CX bike that I have pressed into service as a touring rig. As with all my Hunter bikes it preforms flawlessly but it is not designed for this and I would love to have a real touring rig someday soon. Hopefully in time for this summers escapades.
I brought tons of stuff, essentially what I would bring on a real tour. Dumb as a box of hammers? You bet, I'm feeling crazy with anticipation for this summers adventure and felt like being ridiculous. I also added a few dumber than dumb items, more on that later...